Uiltje Most Wonderful Time For A Beer (détails)

Uiltje Most Wonderful Time For A Beer

Brasserie : Uiltje Brewing Company

Style : Historical Beer - Gruit / Ancient Herbed Ale

ABV : 10,0%      IBU : 20      Format : Bottle

Pays : Netherlands      Ville : Haarlem      Région : Noord-Holland

Date : 2019-03-31

Note : 5,5/10

Avis : (> malté, > cola-cerise, > ronde, > herbacé-épicée (> anis-muscade-cannelle), ~miel, trop lourdingue, ça écoeure) (pas du tout "belgium strong ale" !!!)

Note UT :  3,58     Raters UT : 9789

Description :  We needed a holiday anthem. But rather than aim for the top of the charts, we dove straight to the bottom of the well. And lo’ and behold look what we found: Andy Williams’ 1963 anti-classic! Is there any other holiday song so mind-numbingly dull? Nope! Marley, Crosby, Bush, the Ramones, Dylan – they wouldn’t touch this song with a 10-foot peppermint pole!This beer is our ode to the ugly ducking of Christmas song covers. And we’re so hap-happy to exploit it for our most wonderful Christmas brew. A medieval ale pimped with the type of obscure spices only free-foraging Gaelic’s would dare pluck. A hint of caramel, a dash of black liquorice – this one-off Christmas brew is as thick and vulgar as the song that inspired it.Some say gruit is an aphrodisiac, that’s your call. But we will tell you this: once you drink it you’ll never be ever to get this f*cking ugly Christmas song out of your head again! Sorry Andy. And a very merry this and that. Untappd

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