Amager / Against The Grain Minor Axident (détails)

Amager / Against The Grain Minor Axident

Brasserie : Amager Bryghus

Style : IPA - Imperial / Double

ABV : 8.0%      IBU : None      Format : Bottle

Pays : Denmark      Ville : Kastrup      Région : Region Sjælland

Date : 2018-06-24

Note : 7.5/10

Avis : (hoppy, fleuri, manda, onctueuse (oat), ~carbo-agressive, > fleur-amer, supradyne, ~brute, lack %)

Note UT :  3.70     Raters UT : 655

Description :  On the canned American version of this collaboration beer, Sam Cruz – the head honcho of our collaboration partner Against The Grain – babbles on for ages about the name Minor Axident, how it has no meaning and so on. Well Sam, after lines upon lines of insults from you, it has become clear to us, that the Minor Axident here was to even collaborate with you guys for a third time. Actually, we’re inclined to call it a major axident. However, we forgive you and we understand you. Having your lack of appetite exposed on the first beer we brewed together “The Great, Big Kentucky Sausage Fest” and then being humiliated in arm wrestling not once, not twice, but a dozen times. We understand your bitterness and we forgive you, Sam. We’ll be the bigger person here, and we meet your sarcasm and bitterness with nothing but peace, love…… and this wonderfully hoppy collaboration. Come visit again Sam. Bring Jerry. Bring Adam - and bring a case of Pappy VW. It’s time to rejoice in true happiness. Amen. Untappd

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