The Lost Abbey

The Lost Abbey

7 bières

Moyenne : 8.14/10 - Écart-type : 0.52 - Médiane : 8.0


Lost Abbey Ghosts in the Forest - Wild Ale - American - 6.0% - 9.0/10
Lost Abbey Serpent's Stout - Stout - Imperial / Double - 11.0% - 8.5/10
Lost Abbey Red Barn Ale - Farmhouse Ale - Saison - 6.7% - 8.5/10
Lost Abbey Noble Tendencies - Pilsner - Czech / Bohemian - 5.0% - 8.0/10
Lost Abbey Box Set: Track #8 (Number of the Beast) - Strong Ale - American - 13.7% - 8.0/10
Lost Abbey Red Poppy Ale - Sour - Flanders Red Ale - 5.0% - 7.5/10
Lost Abbey Mopeds in Milan - Pilsner - Italian - 5.0% - 7.5/10

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